Stunning video and photos show life in northern Saskatchewan
With no snow, Lac La Ronge has become a clear skating rink
CBC News Posted: Dec 16, 2015 3:02 PM CT Last Updated: Dec 17, 2015 1:34 PM CT
Ragnar Robinson took this stunning video of life in northern Saskatchewan 1:29
For anyone wondering what northern Saskatchewan looks like in the winter, Ragnar Robinson has made a stunning video of life around La Ronge. The video features northern activities, such as playing hockey on Lac La Ronge.
"It's super rare to have no snow on it and use it like a skating rink," he said. "Everyone's pumped to be skating on it at this time of year."
Robinson has lived in La Ronge all his life. He said lots happens in the winter.
"It just has a lot of great views and great places to go. There's the lake, there's cross-country skiing, there's dog mushing, there's pretty much everything you would want to do."
Robinson said people from La Ronge have been enjoying the video.
"It's great for them to share with their friends that don't really know what Lac La Ronge looks like, what sort of things people do in La Ronge."
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Robinson also took stunning photographs which can be seen in the photogallery.
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