Monday, November 7, 2016

3 Things Successful People Do Because Life Happens

Life happens no matter what you do or where you are. You control your life. Why not make it go the way you want it to.

For all the successes in life, the failures are the biggest of life’s lessons. Embrace the results. Use them to your advantage. Remember the bad in good times and let it go. You can be successful if you do properly. Most successful people have mentors and coaches. They know it is okay to ask for help. In fact, it is more important to know where to get help than to know some of the answers.  Sometimes gratitude is a missing ingredient needed before confidence and self-esteem boost. Whatever your needs are with self-awareness with the right relationships bring on a successful combination of learning and educating yourself at your own pace. It then can click into place. 

Why must I always test? Ahhhhhh Simple, so I don’t mess up because life happens. It sounds silly, but some people need help with daily goals for work or life. in the contact section, a connection that has a place for questions. This is one of the reasons why I coach, to help those that need to ask questions, get ideas, and training and don’t know who to ask. 

3 Things you can do now:

  • Make a business plan
  • Associate with people you want to learn from and are good influences
  • Get a Mentor or Coach

For more information or a free 15-minute consultation visit 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Improve Good Behavior Encourage Teamwork Children's Book Christmas Story Santa's Snowy Adventure Free Audiobook Launched

Get the free audiobook of the award-winning Santa's Snowy Adventure by Tracy Elman, so you child can enjoy listening to the adventure while they follow along with the pictures and text in the print book.

Children's author Tracy Elman has launched a free audiobook campaign for customers who buy a print copy of Santa's Snowy Adventure, which is available on Amazon. The book details what happens when Santa's sleigh gets frozen to the ice, and it takes a lot of teamwork and some creative thinking by Jeffery the Surfer Reindeer to help ensure that children around the world don't miss out on Christmas.
More information can be found on her author page at:
The site explains that Tracy Elman has brought Christmas time to life in a magical way, and inside the story is hidden a message for children about the virtues of working together, keeping promises, and being good year round so that Santa will visit them.
Buying the book now gives customers access to the free audiobook, which children can listen along to as their parents read out the book, following in the adventure and listening to the story at the same time.
Tracy Elman is an author, storyteller, narrator and public speaker, and has written a wide range of books across numerous different topics. She has been awarded the Excellence eLit Bronze Medal for the book and served as a judge for the SAG-AFTRA Awards.
She was born in Los Angeles and grew up with a love of acting, singing, and writing. Her Amazon page listing explains that she is an engaging and vibrant storyteller who is knowledgeable and versatile in many areas, and as a narrator has voiced over 65 recorded characters, with appearances including commercials, magazines, newspapers and radio interviews.
Santa's Snowy Adventure begins with Santa setting off for his yearly adventure. He kisses Mother Christmas goodbye and sets off in his sleigh laden with presents and pulled by Jeffrey the Surfer Reindeer and his friends. But when the sleigh stops, it gets stuck in the snow and ice.
It raises questions over whether Santa and his helpers will be able to free their sleigh in time to deliver presents to all the good boys and girls waiting for Christmas.
Interested parties wanting to get the latest news from Tracy can subscribe here:

Friday, September 9, 2016

Greek Dancers of Monterey Peninsula

Great way to exercise and keep young and fit. These dancers preserve the greek tradition while having fun making friendships. The oldest is over 92. One dancer recently had major surgery. You would never know. Movement is essential in healing. When in the Monterey Peninsula, California, look for them for a treat!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

How To Make Money Fast! I made $1400. in 18 days. You may be my customer

How to make money fast. I made $1400 in 18 days. Oh! that used to make me cringe! It used to be that most make money quick ads were all schemes. That there wasn't anything legitimate. Now there are so much that you can do to earn money. You may even be my customer. In this short video, I will show you proof and how.

Tracy Elman offers Individualized program curriculum, classes, and coaching that will help you to explore and find your niche. Tracy will help you to establish your business in one-on-one coaching. Go to and sign up for a free online 10-minute consultation. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Now Twitter Live! How it Grew

Blab took off from where Periscope lacked. It seemed so promising. Great for business and training. Blindsighted. There have been many, come and go. They will be missed. What is next? Google is making their own Facetime improving it by showing the caller before answering the wrong number. No surprises there.  

Friday, April 8, 2016

How Tracy Elman used books as stepping tools pt 1

How Tracy Elman used books as stepping tools pt 1 Tracy is coaching and teaching others to better their lives in career, personal and corporate.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Bakersfield News: here we go again...

Concerning my recent post. With a comment on this post made by me to make right a misunderstanding. Response by Angela Frantz.

Reposted from link above
A recent letter to The Bakersfield Californian attempted to show how the Panama Buena Vista Unified School District’s special education program’s shift to inclusion is a bad idea. Thanks to Tracy Elman, it appears that the plight of the PBVUSD has reached Los Angeles. Unfortunately, neither Harold Pierce’s original article nor the subsequent letters to the editor have addressed the other part of the inclusion picture. I don’t recall reading any comments from parents of students attending schools within the PBVUSD.
I wish Ms. Elman knew what it’s like to be a parent of a child in a class where general education students are learning alongside a student with special needs. Her knowledge of inclusion in the classroom is myopic, at best. I am a parent to two children in the Bakersfield City School District. My husband and I sent our young son off to school, knowing he will be exposed to kids who are different.
I’d like to give the letter writer a bit of insight to my child. He is a bright, charming and engaging kindergarten student. He loves reading, sports and music. He is learning math and started writing his letters just this week. He’s the first to comfort an upset classmate and loves to help others. His classmates love him and are better for knowing him. My son isn’t that different than his classmates.
Yes, I’d like for Ms. Elman to walk in my shoes, as a parent raising a child with special needs in this setting. There have been tears, but they have been caused by people who perpetuate archaic assumptions and stereotypes. My husband and I have fought such ignorance so that our son can be allowed to learn alongside his “typical” peers. My son’s general education classmates treat him as their equal – as do his classmates in his special education class. This year he has made friends in both of his classroom settings. Perhaps the letter writer forgets an important tenet of social development among school-aged children: the way students perceive their peers is shaped largely by the adults teaching them. If bullying runs rampant in inclusive classrooms, one need look no further than the teachers and administrators who oversee these programs. Thankfully, research tells us that this is hardly the case.
A quick online search of “benefits of inclusion” will yield evidence to disprove the preposterous scenarios that are believed to happen when special education students are educated with their peers. Students with special needs actually have better behavior in inclusive classrooms, thanks to the positive behavior modeling from their peers.
They have greater successes both socially and academically than they would when segregated. Likewise, students in the general population can benefit greatly from the inclusion of their peers with special needs. Students learn to value the differences in others. They also retain more of what they are learning in school through the process of assisting their classmates.
My son is learning, growing and maturing. He is learning empathy and cooperation, as are his peers. The school staff know him by name and are genuinely happy to greet him each morning. When my son is an adult, chances are he may be employed by one of his peers who sat beside him on the rug in Mrs. B’s class as they learned the alphabet and days of the week. Our goal is not to raise a child who is dependent on others, but rather an adult who will contribute as a taxpaying citizen.
Ms. Elman is correct. The community needs intervention – now. Children with special needs have, by law, the same rights to education afforded to all children. They will not live in a “special” world when they are adults, so they should not be expected to learn in a “special” school.
Get to know my child. Appreciate him for who he is and not for what makes him “different.” You might be surprised to find he really is “more alike than different.”
Angela Frantz is a wife, mom, and advocate who lives in Bakersfield. She is employed by a regional government agency.

Angela, I am sorry you misunderstood my purpose of my article. It was to make the changes you need and I had. One of my children IS special needs. I am an active parent. He is an adult now and I am still parenting. My child was stuck in mainstream classes for Jr high for 8 months. He was forced to attend Algebra even though he could only do 3rd-grade math. He was bullied by the typical but in addition to them his own biological father and brother. I believe that special ed students should be in special ed and mainstream students should be in their own classes and the above average students where they will do their best. I think it is terrible to mix them all in one class. This was what I wrote. Yes, I do know what I was writing. You may have misinterpreted it. I am sorry.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Public School In Action Or Are They Asleep?

According to a recent article by Harold Pierce, in The Bakersfield Californian/TNS on Feb 12, 2016, Earlier this year a school district in Bakersfield, teachers are already complaining about the failure of the new program to basically eliminate general education. 

Sick Joke? This may be the last generation of Education. Special Ed in some classes is nothing but day care. To put gifted and average kids in the same level as special ed will increase bullying and boredom and therefore more crime. They won't stop there. It is already becoming a nightmare. If this continues, the teachers and police won't be able to handle it. The true special needs kids will be harmed and they will become fearful, lack of confidence and deepening, lack of abilities as they age. They will not grow, learn or mature. They will learn the bad things. This is a travesty and a disaster in wait. This will  be a diseased community. It will spread if not repaired ASAP. 

Who would want to live or raise kids in the Bakersfield community. They are encouraging violent behavior both in the students and in district employees. Merging special ed and mainstream ultimately will be hurting the job market, the housing market and increasing the jail market. Special needs kids that fall between the cracks or get setup will also land in jail. 

The community needs intervention now. The school board can always relocate and be employed somewhere else meanwhile leaving the damage behind. Parents need to step up. 

Rev. Dr. Tracy Elman, D.D., D.M. -multi-award winning best-selling author, narrator, & founder of Leap To New Heights, Empowerment for Life, Education & Coaching. 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Secret to Success  
Ask and you shall see 

Be good to yourself. Work on yourself. Invest in yourself! You reap what you sow. Work hard play hard. If you don’t truly love yourself you won’t know what love is and have love. You can’t be truly free until “it” finally clicks. It may take 50+ years for it to click, but once it does you can be a huge success. What is “it”? It is different for each person. “It” is a clear understanding within. It means you finally get it! Now you understand. It could be business, or what you feel you are meant to do in life. By exposing yourself to your true passion in life while learning things that will apply to your future at any age, are a sure head start. Help others while helping yourself. Ask for guidance. Ryan Ferguson’s article, “Stop Learning. Start Applying.” Makes a very good point. Just do it! Smile, do it, and be happy.

Rev. Dr. Tracy Elman, D.D., D.M. -multi-award winning best-selling author, narrator, & founder of Leap To New Heights, Empowerment for Life, Education & Coaching.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Teleprompter App for making Videos

How the new Amazon Retail Stores may impact your life... and who might be fighting it

The new Amazon Retail Stores may impact your life and there might be a fight. The Giant is raising up and I’m so excited about a new Wall Street Journal article that talks about Amazon opening up to four hundred brick-and-mortar bookstores in shopping malls. I’m so excited because perhaps my books that I wrote will be sold in the new physical Amazon bookstore. Let the kids know what a bookstore is. The proper way to hang out at the bookstore. These kids have never used a typewriter. There is so much that they have missed in order to enjoy the gain. Have you ever looked at a young person when they were making a choice to look something up in a physical book or the electronic version? I have and each time I see them go for the physical book if it’s going to be any length of time. It’s great to be able to pick up your smartphone and talk to it and get your answer right away, but if you really want to learn something wouldn’t you rather go page flipping?

In a recent interview Amazon told the Seattle Times, that online customer reviews would be included to determine what the physical store inventory would be. Amazon Prices will match those online.

I mean really. Think about it. What does this mean? I'm an author and for years I've been trying to figure out how to get my book in the brick-and-mortar chain bookstore. I have been turned down. I have been told if you're self published we can't take your book. If I decide to go with the traditional publisher they want $5500 or more upfront. Plus I have to buy maybe 1000 of my books. And the traditional publisher will change everything. They will change the pictures and change the cover and change the words inside, then change the meaning, the illustrator and have a different editor. Not much of the original book would still remain. I would not have the rights to it. I wouldn't even own my own book. 

The constant motivation of searching… possibly going to a hybrid publishing house or an a la carte publisher and paying as I can afford it. Why? That's why I chose to become a self published author. Not every book has 12,000 sales in an hour and makes the big money. It sure would be nice. So if Amazon put self publishers inside brick and mortar stores it would be the answer to so many peoples prayers. 

So what will the traditional publisher say? Will it put some of them out of business? Obviously they won't like it. So why would anybody want to go to a traditional publisher then?  They take chunks of the money, they do not do much promotion anymore. The author still has to finance it with their other job. Okay, so it’s who they know. I get it. But is it worth it? 

Amazon the bookstore and retail for the people by the people thank you, Jeff Bezos

Rev. Dr. Tracy Elman, D.D., D.M. -multi-award winning best-selling author, narrator, & founder of Leap To New Heights, Empowerment for Life, Education & Coaching 

SCAM WARNING -TRACY ELMAN -VOBS Ep. 24 February 8, 2016 GVAA CEO & Actor David Rosenthal

Stop, Thief! My Audiobooks Were Copied And Posted On YouTube! What To Do ...


Stop, Thief! My Audiobooks Were Copied
And Posted On YouTube! What To Do ...

February 9, 2016

Note: The author recently posted on Facebook about this, and VoiceOverXtra asked her to write the following article as a heads-up to other audiobook narrator / rights holders ....

By Tracy Elman

Voice Actor, Audiobook Narrator & Publisher

Most of us know that a voice over career does not typically just take off and start making us money. It pretty much started for me, when David H. Lawrence XVII decided to teach voice over. I was in the first or second class he taught, and at the time he was doing 16 sessions. 

He taught about audiobooks in one module. I was adamant. I told him I am not going to do audiobooks. He asked why? I said, because I would rather make more money and work less, doing commercials. 

Well, David knew something I didn’t. Audiobooks are actually fun. It's an easier niche to get into. And writing, well It’s contagious or - should I say, addicting. 

I decided to write a children's story after narrating Robby's Quest for Seed, and also post it on Audible's ACX (Audiobook Creation Exchange) system.

My second book, Santa's Snowy Adventure, has earned a lot of awards and medals. It's currently number one on the Amazon 2015 list of best-selling children's book for ages two through seven in four countries and in three categories. 

And then I did it again and again. Wow thanks, David!   

But that's not what this article is really about. This story is about the stealing of audiobooks and free downloads. 

Yes this can happen - and did to me. 


Seven months ago, a stranger took 94 books from Audible book covers, plus the voice samples, and made his own videos. He posted them to a channel on YouTube, probably monetized with free downloads or free viruses. I don't know. 

The man actually stated they were free downloads of the entire books, and he had arrows pointing down to where to click.   

My son and I are the rights holders of two of the books involved. We each authored one of those books. They are U.S. Copyrighted. My son illustrated them and I narrated them. 

My son discovered them on YouTube during a book name search. 

I doubt the other people had any idea that their books were included. From their book covers it seemed they had put a lot of money into it - more than we did. 


Anyway, I reported this to YouTube and Audible. 

Audible sent the complaint to ACX. ACX responded that the YouTube video would be taken down, and that YouTube is usually really good about doing that.

I didn't want to mention my situation all over Facebook. But I did want to warn those 94 people and other audiobook narrators about what was happening. 

So I only posted about this to three of my Facebook groups: two voice over and one small writing group. 

And this helped! David H. Lawrence XVII saw my story. He had the right contacts and assisted in getting this guy shut down. (For details on how to do that, please see Lawrence's recent VoiceOverXtra article, 
Why YouTube Takes Down Your Demo, Leaves Up Pirated Content - And What You Can Do About It.)


Here's the part about reporting abuses to YouTube that upsets me.

There's a form to fill out under penalty of perjury - no problem there. But also, in order to complain and have the video removed, YouTube must post your name and email address at where the video was removed.. 

This gives the offender personal information about me and my son, potentially harming us further. 

That information should remain private! Since I have websites and advertising, my phone number and possibly my address can all be obtained. 

Following through with a complaint like this takes strength and friends who want to help not only me and my son, but everyone in the industry - and especially those 94 audiobooks and narrators. 

As it turned out, since YouTube eventually received three complaints about this, only the offender's - possibly fake - name, Howard Copeland, appears on the YouTube channel he was using. Our personal information is not shown.

So this story ends on a very good note. I am proud to be part of such a close-knit industry where we all help each other. 



Tracy Elman is a multi-talented, multi-award winning voice actress, audiobook narrator, producer, editor and author. Active in radio, television and film, she provides both broadcast and business voice talent services. She can sound both young and old, and can also convincingly imitate celebrities such as Julia Child. The actress is conversant with a wide range of dialects and accents, and her training in comedy further enhances her abilities. Tracy is also Rev. Dr. Tracy Elman, D.D., D.M. Dream Maker Coach, and Founder of Leap To New Heights. She has voiced over 65 recorded characters and has appeared in voice over and ADR, magazines, newspapers and radio interviews internationally. In her spare time, she supports a variety of charitable causes, particularly those devoted to organizations that improve the lives of children affected with cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome, autism, and cleft palates.  

Web (voice actor):
Web (Tracy's books):

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Special needs players hit the ice during annual festival in Valencia

Special needs players hit the ice during annual festival in Valencia
This was an awesome weekend. The kids were interviewed for the papers and CBS, ABC, KCAL news. We had out of town guests & friends and a great celebration. 


Is it a common core universe? More moms and grandmas are talking about common core math than kids. And teachers are complaining too. I hear it a lot in general gatherings. My question is in 10 years which group will be better at math? Also IS it also teaching abstract thinking and problem solving skills? Or is it more dumbing down of America. I am furious about removing cursive from the curriculums. I was upset years ago when they removed phonics, art, drama, PE, music and now cursive writing. I think they have brought those back.
I would know. The outcome of not having phonics when I was in 1st grade messed me up. It was not put back into California schools until my kids were out of school. They had several failed and replaced curriculum methods, one was the whole reading approach and they also had this thing called “New Math” that most people did not understand. The blessing was that I sought help for my children when in the 3rd grade for them to learn reading, spelling and writing including cursive. My mom said I could not spell as an adult back then.
I was lucky enough to catch the news interview with our former state school superintendent of that time giving a genuine apology for removing phonics and a promise to get it back into the schools. Solution: I became a phonics specialist and learned by teaching. I taught my children and many others what the school should have done right the first time. If I learned it as a child perhaps I would be a scientist or MD. Too much time passed and it effected my confidence to progress during school and I hated to read or write. I can imagine what it does to the children. They are the leaders of tomorrow. The same people that will take care of us in nursing homes.
What is the Common Core? It is a standard for English and Math. It is meant to compete with the educational system in other countries. It is not easy for the initial concept to be understood by most. I will show an example here from
The math problem must be written horizontal. After all lines are equaling a number by 5 or 10 and show the whole number in the beginning of the question, the second column is added up and IS the answer.
Instead of the vertical method, it is writen horrizontal. 

13+ 2=15
15+ 5=20
40+  3=43

Division looks very similar and is taught using a lot of 1 and 10 and some 5 adding the middle like in the above subtraction example. The addition is the only one that makes sense to me it looks like pre-algebra and will ready the kids for algebraic factors. It is added up in the far right column. I can actually see a reason for it.
About cursive writing the generation today wont be able to write or read cursive and that means very few will be able to read old documents and family papers. Also many will be dependent on an interpreter for history and vital records, census’ and so much more. Haven't they thought this all through? Or is it an attempt to erase history? This reminds me of the 2006 movie Idiocracy, Where the entire country had Gatorade for tap water and people were just plain unintelligent.
It isn’t it ironic that now I am an Author, Narrator and Voiceover actor reading aloud and love it. With phonics it is easy. How many mathematicians will society gain with common core? 
If you can, take a look at the photos in this Salon article with the check and the kids school assignment done by a parent.

Rev. Dr. Tracy Elman, D.D., D.M. Dream Maker Coach, Multi-Award Winning and Best-Selling International Author, Educator, Storyteller, Narrator, Speaker, and Founder of Leap To New Heights. Tracy takes you on a captivating journey, while keeping you riveted with every word she speaks. Tracy voiced over 65 recorded characters. Appearances include commercial, VO & ADR, magazines, newspapers and radio interviews internationally. Amazon, Audible, iTunes, Kindle and more

Idiocracy - Trailer

From the 2006 movie Idiocracy. This is what is happening. Take an active role and help fix our school system and our society.  

You’re wrong about Common Core math: Sorry, parents, but it makes more sense than you think

You’re wrong about Common Core math: Sorry, parents, but it makes more sense than you think

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Tom I See Dead Puppets - Dead Puppet Society

The Giant Raises Up from Amazon

The Giant Raises Up from Amazon and I’m so excited about a new Wall Street Journal article that talks about Amazon opening up to four hundred brick-and-mortar bookstores in shopping malls. I’m so excited because perhaps my books that I wrote will be sold in the new physical Amazon bookstore. Let the kids know what a bookstore is. The proper way to hang out at the bookstore. These kids have never used a typewriter. There is so much that they have missed in order to enjoy the gain. Have you ever looked at a young person when they were making a choice to look something up in a physical book or the electronic version? I have and each time I see them go for the physical book if it’s going to be any length of time. It’s great to be able to pick up your smartphone and talk to it and get your answer right away, but if you really want to learn something wouldn’t you rather go page flipping?

Tracy Elman

Rev. Dr. Tracy Elman, D.D., D.M. -multi-award winning best-selling author, narrator, & founder of Leap To New Heights, Empowerment for Life, Education & Coaching 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Magic Mountain The back lot Spending time with my son

Magic Mountain The Back Lot Spending Time With My Son in the Santa Clarita Mountains. The wild ride in the west... #WildRide Actually this is Six Flags Magic Mountain and the thrill of discovery. The anxious waiting for kids of all ages. Another happy place.

My son and I have been writing all week stuck at home behind the computer. Time to get out and see the sun, breathe fresh air, and see the cars move. Oh how refreshing. We decided to just drive. We decided we without film our little Jaunt using Periscope for others to enjoy. 

When we got to magic mountain they were closed. Another family was there and so disappointed. They had flagged us down and asked us why they were closed. The father said they were locals, and they just wanted to go for the day. I don't know why they were closed it's Tuesday. So we decided to film and take still pictures of the roller coasters we could see. Well they've been doing construction nearby, so of course I had to go and see where the road goes. That has always been fun. It was great exploring. We had an enjoyable couple hours. 

Rev. Dr. Tracy Elman, D.D., D.M. -multi-award winning best-selling author, narrator, & founder of Leap To New Heights, Empowerment for Life, Education & Coaching